Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Finding Me

People here are spreading the love at this moment because they will celebrate Christmas. One week right before winter break I get some presents and treats from people around and they really are sincere to do it. Teresa said while giving the present "Niha, this is for you from us, please accept this Christmas present. It's not much but we do it with love" and we have bear hug with each other. A person from CMBI also gave me a shopping voucher as present, "This is for you Nihaya". Today Suzanne brought us some cakes, she invited me to eat some bites, I said "Really? may I?" then Prof. Geert who sit beside me replied "Of course you are more than welcome to eat every food served here". Because everyone is full of love, I will also spread the love instead of becoming a hater that makes me lose. So, today I remark some assignments as follows for myself that I have to complete during my life, at least before I'm lost in somewhere again in my upcoming journey (by which it makes me really depressed).

  • Belajar memahami lagi dan lagi, membaca manusia dengan segala pikiran, perasaan, dan kompleksitasnya.
  • Belajar mengalah pada mereka yang tidak mau memahami.
  • Belajar menerima bahwa hidup berjalan kadang tidak sesuai harapan, yang ketetapannya tidak pernah diketahui. Tidak lagi menaruh harapan terlalu tinggi, apalagi kepada manusia.
  • Belajar melepaskan sesuatu dan mencintainya tidak terlalu.
  • Belajar untuk tidak mengharapkan imbalan atas cinta atau sesuatu yang kita beri.
  • Belajar mencintai apa yang dipunyai sampai akhir waktu.
  • Belajar untuk kembali tersenyum lebar, menatap dunia dengan penuh mantap, meskipun masalah yang menyengsarakan selalu kembali datang. 
  • Make my heart empty so there will be great space for God's love, and..
  • Spreading the love everywhere and everytime! 

In this case let's not dwell on the past. People here show me that love is everywhere and it will not make me feel lonely.

I will leave Nijmegen on Saturday and go back here when the year is already changing. I hope I will find a lot of fun outside with all my trip-mates. They really care about all we need, the destination, and what we have to do.

See you next year then, Happy new year!

-Nijmegen with love-

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